Summary of Experience
I am a licensed mental health therapist and have been involved in social work and therapeutic practices for the last 20 years. My past experience includes in depth work with trauma at a Crisis Treatment Center as a therapist and advocate for those who were experiencing acute trauma such as sexual trauma, domestic violence, grief and loss, suicide, self-harm, PTSD, and legal injustices. I also had some training in forensic interviewing for kids who were sexually traumatized and worked with law enforcement and hospitals (SANE program) as a networking to provide the highest care for individuals. I worked as a therapist in the pueblos and as an advocate and leader in the court system in the Native population which gained me deep respect for cultural differences and the depth of addictions and grief and loss that plagues that community. I worked in depth with addictions and led groups to empower healing from alcohol, drug addiction and repeat criminal offense. I had a high success rate as a therapist with these individuals as I put the individual first and offered integrity, empowerment, education and genuine connection and compassion as the key ingredients in the therapy I offered. I also have in depth experience in working with split families and young kids and teens of all different cultures and sexual preferences. I have a high success rate in working with children, teens and adults and have a consistent attendance rate with these amazing individuals.
Currently, my passion is working with young adults 18 and above. I work profoundly with empaths and sensitives who are highly emotionally intelligent and creative beings who I believe are leaders on the leading edge of consciousness. I myself am an empath (one who can apprehend the mental or emotional state of another) and can resonate deeply and empower these clients as a result of my own understanding and years of navigating this world with those traits. I also have in depth psychological and holistic education including the most current research on Narcissistic abuse and am helping clients in their recovery with leading edge education, resources and tools to provide empowerment and relief for those dealing with these kinds of abuses.