Spring Cleaning Your Energy Field 4/13/21

This video discusses what it means to ‘spring clean’ your own energy field. This includes looking at one’s relationships inside and outside of the home including your friends, colleagues, partners, children, pets and discerning what relationships are life giving and lift you up vs the ones that deplete you and cause you to feel less than and drained . (toxic relationships). Much like a physical spring cleaning where one sorts out which objects and clothes feel fresh and life giving in the home and which ones do not belong anymore. This opens up space for the NEW.

It’s a time to get Fierce and Honest with Love, especially within the home and make choices to come together and huddle up to discuss what is working vs what is not working in order to create more honest communication flow in the home and clear the air. This video also discusses niceness (without honesty and boundaries) as not being the healthiest option- often this can lead to passive-aggressive behavior and resentment that builds like mold in a home. It’s important to engage these issues head on to create a more vital, purified and healthy life. Our lives depend on it. Honesty is the cleaning stringent to create greater love and kindness in the home and in the world. It breeds freedom and greater happiness!

Our DNA is changing as the frequencies on this planet are increasing rapidly, therefore our bodies require extra attention to be able to fully embrace these new frequencies and create a more efficient system. Be aware of the foods your body is asking for and remain open and flexible to your physical needs as they may be changing. For example, if you feel heavy or weighed down after eating a certain food, consider choosing foods that feel lighter and lift you up. It’s also important to drink lots of water as our bodies are mostly made up of water; we are electricity, we are frequency. Also, exercise is important in assisting the movement of energy and oxygenating and circulating the energy body. Rest is essential as well as our bodies are recalibrating. It’s important to get out into nature and underneath the Stars as much as you can – how we treat our bodies is how we treat the Earth.

Most important: This time is asking us to bring forward everything that is True about us and requiring us to get rid of that which does not serve us anymore.

Other ways to get in touch with one’s honesty: Journal, draw, paint, sing, dance, co-create, play – however you feel the most safe to express and circulate your energy and Truth. This all creates a much more healthy and vital Life which is nutrients for one’s Heart, Soul and Body.
I wish you all the most Rich and Purified Love in your bodies, in Nature, your homes, relationships and Beings. CheeRs to a more empowered, free and delicious LIFE!!

Madison Christine

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