This particular video discusses the shadow and the unconscious – “The stuff we don’t see.” Like the Ocean, one sees the obvious waves on top of the surface; the unconscious and shadow is the stuff underneath the waves that we don’t see. We All have shadow. In this video, I reference one of my absolute favorite and impactful thinkers – In Depth Pychologist, Carl G. Jung, who coined the term unconsciousness and shadow work. I highly recommend checking out his work and books that express in detail the unconscious, shadow work and dream work if this blog inspires you.
One of my deepest passions and lifechanging work has been to look at the shadow and bring light and consciousness to those hidden parts within the psyche and soul screaming for attention that often society and old religious paradigms shun and shame. This video explores how danger and destruction plays out when the shadow is not addressed; examples such as priests who have sexually abused children, teachers and coaches who have romantic and sexual relations with students (power abuse), the political system and the narcissistic wound that plays out in aggression, hate, lack of empathy, self absorption, and lies. This all stems from not acknowledging those hidden parts, the needs, the wants and depth of ones true Soul and Love desires.
When we ignore the shadow, our repressed sexual desires and fantasies, and God given feelings, we become like animals locked in cages – the result of that can be extraordinarily damaging. Our bodies will inevitably shut down, anxieties, depression and relationships inflame, affairs and abuses increase – the body also inflames and can play out in cancers, and life threatening illnesses. I am passionate about discussing this and bringing light and compassion to those hidden parts because I know first hand the POWER of acknowleding these things — it will heal you, it will bring medicine to your body, mind heart and soul. It will relieve you of anxiety and depression. It will free up energy you never knew you had to create a life that is conscious and powerful. It will free you from unnecessary entanglements and relationship fragmentiation. It will bring you into your true power, thus a healthier mind, body and relational and creative world.
As a therapist, I pay close attention to my client’s deepest feelings, fantasies, anxieties and depressions. I listen intently and offer a safe space for their deepest fears to be heard and seen. This is medicine – to be heard in unconditional love, in genuine compassion – it gives breath to that caged animal that needs to be free. Once that occurs, a person has conscious choice in their expression and communication which can lead to new neuro-pathways and a new and more whole life.
Ways to uncover shadow: Is there a secret in your life that your’e holding? what are you doing when nobody is looking? what are your fantasies? what are you longing for and afraid to talk about?
I give a personal example in my video coming from a religious background and being a pastor’s kid. Due to experiencing sexual/power abuse and deep repression of my own sexuality; I found empowerment and deep healing in writing what I called ‘my novel’ in which I wrote about a romantic feminine relationship that helped me unmask deep repression and bring those once abandoned energies to me in a whole and conscious way.
I Deeply encourage journal writing, drawing, song writing, whatever creative avenue works for you to unmask the shadow within. ALLOW the true self to be heard and seen even if it’s on paper that you hide at first…. let your FULL self out. What we bring to the light heals us, it breaks the shame the binds us.
As always, I wish you the richest, most whole, free and fulfilling life.
All parts of you deserve to be Seen and Loved! That’s True Freedom.
– Madison Christine